Eddig a terveknél az előző recóm villaszögét vettem alapul, most kicsit utánaolvastam, ki hogyan vélekedik a villaszögről (vagyis a homlokcső szögéről) és az utánfutásról.
BHPC - Building a SWB recumbent
"I like road recumbents with lots of trail. I've used a zero offset fork with a 72 degree head angle a lot, which gives about 76 mm of trail. This gives nice steady handling. Steeper head angles give excellent low speed handling."
"my builds have had head angles 74 to 63 degrees. trail about 3"
"(70 degrees/zero offset) is the same as Peter Ross used - It'll give you about 80 mm of trail - nice steady steering."
"Wheelbase 1 metre plus for stability
Seat Height 450 - 550 mm (lower than 450: difficult to achieve with straight frame spar and harder to ride. Above 550: Won't get feet down comfortably)
Bottom Bracket Height 90 - 140 mm above seat height: aero but not too radical
Head Angle 70 - 90 degrees seems to work best
Trail About 3 inches (76 mm). If you don't know what trail is then find out: It's important!
Seat Angle (angle of lower back) More than about 45 degrees to horizontal will start to compromise aerodynamics."
Építet gép, ő a sportosat szereti: An introduction to Audax and the design of a randonneuring recumbent
"Here’s some clues to the design of my optimum PBP 2 wheeler: A wheelbase of approx 1135mm gives a good comfortable and predictable ride, a seat back angled at 25-35 degrees from the horizontal spreads the body weight out evenly and gives excellent aerodynamics and comfort (my racer has a 20 degree seat and is more aero), the crank axle is about 170mm above the seat base to minimise frontal area, the weight distribution when reclined on the bike should be 45% front / 55% rear, handlebars swept back from in front of and above the knees are comfortable to hold and the most aerodynamic, hands away from the steering plane, mesh seats are cooler and offer in-built suspension. One of the most important aspects is the steering geometry and I have tested 55, 70 and 85mm of "trail". I have found a preference for lots of "trail" in the steering ie approx 85 (eighty-five) mm, either achieved through using a shallow head angle of 65 (sixty-five) degrees with 25mm of fork offset, or a 70 degree head angle and no fork offset. The trail figures are for a front 37-406mm tyre-wheel, commonly known as a 20x1.5 inch (bmx). Lots of trail means that it will ride in a straight line with little attention and also be more stable in gravel and sandy sections of road. BTW fast, narrow, slick tread tyres are now available with ratings of up to 120psi in the 406mm size!"
Másik épített gép, bár ez 20/16-os
trail 36mm
Tervezési tanácsok kormányzáshoz, kormánytervezéshez: 12 Steps to Designing a Great Handling Recumbent
Úgy látom, eléggé egységesek a vélemények az SWB gépeknél, úgyhogy megpróbálok megcélozni egy 75mm körüli utánfutást a merev villával.
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